Enhance Security While Developing An App Instead Of Waiting Till It’s Deployed

Sunvera Software
3 min readNov 4, 2021

Application security is a huge concern for many organizations today. There are a lot of things to consider when developing an app so that you can reduce vulnerabilities and enhance security before it is even deployed.

Why Prioritizing Security Is Crucial When Developing an App

There are so many different types of apps with varying levels of security concerns, and many of them can be avoided if the proper preparation is made while they’re still in their development stage. Here are some common vulnerabilities in mobile apps you should anticipate so that you don’t deploy your app without any security measures already in place.

Sensitive Data Exposure

This type of vulnerability is where the app is not protecting the data it is using. Sensitive information might be stored for resell in plain text when there should be some form of encryption used.

Broken Cryptography

An algorithm or key has been broken, resulting in hackers gaining access to your information.

Transport Security

The transport security vulnerability happens when the app is not using TLS.

Insufficient Authentication/Authorization

There is too little or no authentication is used at all. This also goes along with an authorization flaw allowing access to unauthorized users.

Improper Session Handling

When you are developing your app, there are many things that can go wrong with the session like recycling it too soon, not setting the time out correctly, and not removing inactive sessions.

Buffer Overflows

This happens when the amount of data being written to a buffer is larger than its capacity. This can lead to hackers gaining access to your device and/or information on your app.

Authentication Bypasses

This is when a user’s credentials do not match up with those on file. They might have access to the information they should not have access to.

Directory Traversals/Path Traversal

This happens when directories or files are not being checked for user input, making it possible for hackers to gain access without needing any passwords at all.

The list goes on, but the point is the same: prioritizing security during mobile app development is better than waiting until after an app is deployed because you avoid issues that are harder to fix once they’ve arisen.

Why Starting With Secure Code Is Better Than Retroactively Fixing It

Starting with secure code during development is a best practice because it is less expensive and time-consuming than retroactively fixing vulnerabilities after they have been discovered. Developers may need to do everything from rewriting the code to replacing encryption libraries. Retroactively fixing vulnerabilities may also require additional functionality that either wasn’t necessary at the time or was unplanned for. There is also a chance you could introduce new security vulnerabilities during these fixes, further compounding the problem.

To read the full article, visit our website: Enhance Security While Developing An App Instead Of Waiting Till It’s Deployed (sunverasoftware.com)

